[Techtalk] Re: Sexuality (was Re: [Grrls-only] Sorry fellow Oregonians)

caitlynmaire at earthlink.net caitlynmaire at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 26 14:57:37 EST 2003

Hi, Carla, and everyone else,

> Why, Raquel, it's common knowledge that all us non-godfearin', un-hetero types 
> are as promiscuous as cats. Just last week I bagged me a schoolbus full of 
> cheerleaders. Recruited a couple of 'em too. BTW, there's a recruitment drive 
> on this month. For every new recruit to the pervert cause, you get a toaster 
> oven.


We had one of the holier-than-thou born again types post to a local ham radio
club super-quiet mailing list that he was changing his e-mail address because 
Earthlink hosts HRC and GLAAD.  He went on about how anti-family they were.

Yeah, I took him to task on the list, but it made me fairly unpopular with the 
majority here in oh-so-conservative North Carolina.  A minority called to thank 
me.  His response:  to write me a prostletyzing e-mail about getting saved.  He
also told me that if gay people (he used another term) were accepted humanity 
would be extinct within a 100 years.  My short response was to remind him 
that gay people were around a lot longer than his Bible.  

I have a major problem with narrow minded people.  The sad thing is that their
views are accepted by the mainstream in a lot of places in America away from
California or the northeast.  How what two consenting adults do in the
privacy of their own home affects anyone else, or how it is anyone else's 
business, is completely beyond me.


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