[Techtalk] Dances with Mice

perimorph perimorph at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 22 20:13:59 EST 2003

Hi Yaroslav,

> The immediate answer was to replace the mouse. First it was OK, then the same problem showed. I was desperated. Then I checked if the problem -- seemed strictly hardware, because using finger instead of ball revealed that software is just OK -- will show on another PC. It didn't. But after swapping mice the 'disobedient' one worked just fine, while other went crazy like the previous. 

Hmmm..  That sounds to me like a hardware problem on the motherboard
where you plug in the mouse.  I'm assuming you're using a PS/2 mouse,
you might try either a USB or serial mouse.

If that doesn't help, you could try booting from an installation CD that
uses a graphical interface, such as RedHat 9 or Windows 98.  Don't
install the software, just turn it on long enough to see if the mouse
works that way.  If it does, then it would indicate a problem in the
configuration, possibly a kernel module or something? 

And lastly, I occasionally had problems using GPM (the console mouse
driver) and XFree86 at the same time when I was using RedHat 7..  Try
disabling GPM in your start-up scripts and see if that helps.  Probably
won't, but it's possible.

> I'm sorry for wasted bandwidth and thank warmly in advance all those willing to help.

No need for apologies, I've sent _much_ longer messages than that.  ^_-

Let us know if (and how) you get it fixed.  :)


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