[Techtalk] Re: error configuring openssh

Katie Bechtold katie at katie-and-rob.org
Tue Sep 16 17:02:24 EST 2003

On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 04:15:02PM -0400, Raven Alder wrote:
> 	Not necessarily related to your error in particular, but if
> you're compiling on Slack you're probably going to want to preface with 
>  LIBS=-lcrypt ./configure --with-whatever-other-options

Thanks!  This will go in my list of valuable tips (which I already
should have known).

> Did you do some sort of really minimal install when you first built that
> box?

No, but I am a complete idiot. :)  Several days ago, I saw that I
needed to clear out some disk space.  I saw "/usr/src/linux/"
hogging up lots of space, and I thought, "I have no plans to
recompile my kernel -- I don't figure I'll need that stuff."  So I
deleted it!  Little did I know, I really did need it.

I just reinstalled the linuxinc.tgz package, and then openssh
configured itself and installed just fine.  Thanks! 

Katie Bechtold         http://katie-and-rob.org/

Misery no longer loves company.  Nowadays it insists on it.
		-- Russell Baker

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