[Techtalk] Joining commands together in bash

Berenice showercurtain2000 at yahoo.com
Sun May 11 04:20:23 EST 2003

I'm making a script that will display the filenames of any
shellscripts in a directory and display the first few lines of each
script below each filename.  So far I've come up with 2 commands for
this script:

head -n 3 *  
     Displays first 3 lines of any file in current directory
file * | grep 'shell script text executable'  
     Displays filenames of shell scripts

The problem is that I can't find a way to join them together to make
them work.  If I do:
file * | grep 'shell script text executable' | head -n 3 *
I get filenames of shell scripts AND the first 3 lines of any file in
current directory.  Head doesn't display the first 3 lines of
shellscripts.  Can anyone suggest another way to join them together?




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