[Techtalk] conceptual CVS

Elizabeth Barham lizzy at soggytrousers.net
Thu Jul 17 23:50:58 EST 2003

Cynthia writes:

> > rsync?
> That would be a good option - something like 
> rsync -e ssh -av --delete --exclude=CVS local/working/copy remote:/deployment/dir
> But FYI cvs is a small binary. If you have shell access to the
> deployment servers - as you would need for rsync (AFAIK) - you could
> just put the appropriate CVS executable in your home directory and get
> on with things. The security issues with CVS are on the server site -
> and since you are running the server on your laptop it should not be a
> big issue. 

I don't understand what the point of placing cvs onto the server
is. pserver is the remote cvs server and that sounds like a hassle for
her to ask the administrators of the sites to set that up for her.

rsync only requires shell access and I was thinking that a script
could do your work fairly well but there may be a problem with
passwords if the remote sites do not allow public key or host based

RSITES="x at x.com:~/public_html y at y.com:~/htdocs z at z.com:~/public_html"
for EACH in $RSITES ; do
      rsync -e ssh -av --delete --exclude=CVS $1 $EACH/$1

This of course placing the first directory on the command line to
its equivalent on the remote site.


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