[Techtalk] Mandatory Access Controls

Subba Rao subba9 at cablespeed.com
Sat Jul 12 13:44:08 EST 2003


I have a very basic question regarding mandatory access controls(MACs).  

Using the following diagram: 

---------------------         ---------------------
|    Subject         |        |     Object         |
---------------------         ---------------------
|    Clearance       |        |    Classification  |
|  Ex - Top Secret   |        |  Ex - Top Secret   |
|                    |        |                    |
---------------------         ---------------------

In the MAC model the "need-to-know" flag, restricts the subject to access the
object.  Is this flag, part of the subject's attributes or the object's

Thank you in advance. 

Subba Rao
subba9 at cablespeed.com
Old American Wild West saying:       God created men but Colt made them equal.
Today:                  Linus created Linux and Linux made IT companies equal.

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