[Techtalk] Printing - Saving color for Web Pages with background images?

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Fri Jul 4 14:17:01 EST 2003

>I would like to know if there is anyway to avoid printing the background 
>of Web pages.

With Mozilla (Linux and Windows), choose File -> Page Setup. There's a 
check-box that you can uncheck.

Under Internet Exploiter, or at least my version, no such option exists, 
but I don't know if that means it's permanently on or permanently off, 
because many browsers don't print background images.

   She's probably not.
     - former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, when asked
       if she would reconsider her stance on the U.S. nuclear
       armament if her hero, Xena Warrior Princess, was anti-nuke.

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