[Techtalk] Re: ATA RAID with Promise FastTrack

Jessica Smith crystalsinger at mail.com
Mon Feb 17 23:08:59 EST 2003

Hi Carla,

Thanks for the welcome!

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 08:50:47 -0800, you wrote:

>Well, Linux software RAID is also fake using SCSI emulation. Linux uses l=
>of SCSI emulation for various devices.

But I'm trying to do native Linux (hardware) RAID - just want to use the 
Linux drivers instead of the Promise ones for my controller. Unless I'm 
getting it all wrong?

The docs I've used are at www.murty.net/ataraid/ (and there was one other 
main ref that I can't re-find now...) if anyone has comments.

Hmmmm, actually - while searching for those links I just found 
https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/ataraid-list. Just downloading 
the archive now, maybe I'll find my answer(s) there. Other than "don't 
bother!" of course...  ;-)

Thanks to Scott too for your answer - not quite what I needed but I 
appreciate you taking the time.



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