[Techtalk] Sylpheed-Configuring e-mail Web-url location

Carsten Dan mail at cdan.dk
Sat Sep 28 02:27:34 EST 2002

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:25:47 -0400
Andrew <showork at adelphia.net> wrote:

> 	Tried a few suggestions, soloution not yet found, except to use Konqueror which does work in the web-url dialog box. Naaah,, I want my Mozilla!(-;
> $	 How does Sylpheed know where to find Mozilla?  *Is there a config file?* Or can I type the path directly in the dialog box? 

<warning state="not entirely sober" comment="to say the least">
hmmmm ... well
I take it that your mozilla actually works ;)
What you want is the path to your mozilla binary executable (a file named 'mozilla').

Sylpheed will use the path of your shell, probably bash.
Open a terminal and type 'find / -name 'mozilla' or 'locate mozilla'.
I have the mozilla binary  placed in '/usr/bin/mozilla'.
(alternative: try and type 'mozilla' and hit TAB ... the shell will try and
autocomplete the command).

Can you figure out how to start mozilla from the terminal?
Sylpheed should be able to start it with the same command.
(%s is a sylpheed variable for the location you are trying to open).

If sylpheed can't start mozilla the same way you can from the command-line (the terminal) ...
well, then I'm out of ideas ... :/

oh, and yes, you should be able to type the full path in the dialog box, but it shouldn't
make a difference
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Carsten Dan <mail at cdan.dk> --- http://cdan.dk
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