[Techtalk] Over-zealous spam filtering (by Raven's ISP?)

Raquel Rice raquel at thericehouse.net
Sat Sep 21 09:24:14 EST 2002

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002 15:51:53 +0100 (BST)
James <jas at spamcop.net> wrote:

> All the public blacklist projects provide an email address
> (exempted from the blacklist, for obvious reasons!) where server
> admins can query bans, and ask for a re-test.
> Except it isn't sent to those who sent you the spam - it's sent to
> anyone using the same ISP as a spammer!
> NO. They are major ISPs, who had a *customer* who spammed you.
> There are literally millions of other users of those ISPs who have
> never spammed anybody in their lives, which is why I was rather
> surprised to get a message saying I was "shitlisted for spamming".
> My own ISP, despite appearing on your "shit-list" for spamming, is
> very active in preventing its users from operating open-relays,
> open-proxies, spamming, DoSing etc; fire up a copy of CodeRed or
> NIMDA, and you are immediately shut off.
> I'm also a little surprised you don't have any of the major US
> ISPs blocked, when they are rather more spam-tolerant than mine...
> James.

Why all the fuss over one small-time (sorry, Raven.  No offense
intended) mail server?  If the mail was DISCARDed rather than
REJECTed, you would never have known.  I don't answer the door when
Jehovah Witnesses or Seventh Day Adventists or sales people come
knocking.  I try not to allow the same thing to happen with my
email.  Why all the fuss?  Is it worth upsetting everyone's
(including yourself) day over?

If your efforts are sometimes greeted with indifference, don't lose
heart.  The sun puts on a wonderful show at daybreak, yet most of
the people in the audience go on sleeping.
  --Ada Teixeira

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