[Techtalk] Icon editor

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Fri Sep 20 17:38:50 EST 2002

>  ISTR by default the browser uses /favicon.ico from that site as
>the icon? Using an explicit LINK tag to, say, icon.png may overcome this:
>anyone tried it? (I don't have a Windows machine handy...)

Look at http://spamcop.net/ It includes the following line:
I bookmarked Spamcop in IE and got the Spamcop icon, not the generic one.

http://www.mozilla.org/ has the following line:
   LINK REL="icon" HREF="...png" TYPE="image/png"
I bookmarked that in IE and got no Mozilla icon. However, this test is not 
conclusive because in one case the REL field says "shortcut icon", and in 
the other case it just says "icon".

Nevertheless, I doubt that IE will support anything other than a .ico file.

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