[Techtalk] Configuring Mailman to CC replies to the list

Kai MacTane kmactane at GothPunk.com
Mon Sep 16 09:54:35 EST 2002

At 9/16/02 01:59 AM , Sujita Purushothaman wrote:

>Yes, I had read both, but munging the Reply-To doesn't solve my problem,
>as I don't want the reply to go only to the list, it has to go both to the
>list as well the person the reply was for.

Personally, I'd prefer you didn't. I already get lots of "extra" replies 
from LinuxChix lists because of people just hitting "Reply All" and not 
cleaning up the headers.

                                                 --Kai MacTane
"Before you slip into unconsciousness,
  I'd like to have another kiss,
  Another flashing chance at bliss..."
                                                 --The Doors,
                                                  "The Crystal Ship"

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