[Techtalk] DSL modem

Malcolm-Rannirl rannirl-lc at otherkin.net
Mon Sep 16 12:35:38 EST 2002

On Monday 16 September 2002 12:09 pm, Carla Schroder wrote:

> That sounds like my situtation. It doesn't work like a dialup keepalive
> hack, where you send some kind of signal up the line every minute to keep
> it open- I tried that. I do have ping blocked, I have a static IP- I wonder
> if that makes a difference.

I don't have ping blocked, and there's regular enough traffic across the line 
that it's not a keep-alive issue.

> I'm thinking about cee's comment about heat- it's been a hot summer.

Mine's worked fine when it's been 90F (with the a/c off) and had the problem 
when it's been 65F, so I'm not convinced about the heat issue, at least here.

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