[Techtalk] netatalking to a G4....

iriXx iriXx at iriXx.org
Thu Sep 12 22:17:59 EST 2002

hiya all...

got a question about netatalk... 

i've run it successfully from my desktop to a G3 powerbook before... so
following the same instructions (from a copy of MacUser) which were
simple and worked successfully before, i installed a copy on my laptop
so i could appletalk to a G4 in the office... and it wouldn't work... it
doesnt seem to find the laptop, or a zone or anything...

i seem to remember having similiar problems when i tried the same trick
netatalking to a friend's G4... and wondered if there's any known issues
/ workarounds for G4 tower machines?.... 

i'm using Mandrake 8.2 and the supplied version of netatalk... got all
the right dependencies for it to work... i can supply details of what i
did to install / configure if needed, but really it was pretty basic,
just installing the program, giving the Mac a login on my linux

thanx in advance



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