[Techtalk] Quirks of RH8 (was: Re: RH8--no gcc??)

Glenda R. Snodgrass grs at theneteffect.com
Sun Oct 20 13:21:43 EST 2002

> Dancer is currently in the process of converting the place he works to a
> mostly-Linux environment. Lots and lots of people there who don't know
> much about computers other than what they need to get the job done, and
> don't WANT to know. And really, why should they?

What I tell people all the time, when they apologize for "not
understanding how computers work" is that they don't understand how
television works either, but they are able to use it to its full potential
simply by learning what they need to know to make it work for them.  
Shoot, -I- don't really understand how television works!

Computers are the same way, or they should be.  Ordinary users should not
have to know how to compile a program in order to use a computer, and
frankly, most of them never will -- and that's just fine.  They need to 
know how to do their jobs on a computer and that's it.

Glenda R. Snodgrass

Before you begin, consider ... The Net Effect
(251) 433-0196

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