[Techtalk] Weird problem reading Yahoo mail on Netscape

Sujita Purushothaman sujita at mimos.my
Tue Oct 8 12:14:51 EST 2002

    I noticed a weird problem while reading my Yahoo mail.
I cannot read messages sent by people using IE on WinXP. I'm using
Netscape 4.75 on RH 7.3. Clicking on the messages from the list
of messages in the inbox, the Yahoo headers/bars etc display, but
the message itself is not displayed, it's blank. This mail happened to
be from a friend of mine who just upgraded to WinXP. Testing by
sending another mail from another acccount using Win XP I saw that
I again couldn't read the mail. However, when I opened my Yahoo
mail using Galeon, I could read it, there wasn't any problem. Weird!


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