[Techtalk] configure deb's vga16fb framebuffer

Michelle Konzack linux.mailinglists at freenet.de
Sat Nov 30 03:40:44 EST 2002

Hello Hamster, 

Am 20:38 2002-11-28 +0100 hat Hamster geschrieben:

>Using those modes and vga=0x??? doesnt seem to work with vga16fb. 
>From the doco I've read, those modes are for use with the vesafb device.
>This is the device that MDK includes in their kernel, and its working
fine on
>my MDK machine. 
>However the deb kernel uses the vga16fb which doesnt accept those
modes or at
>least that syntax at all. An attempt to do so just returns in'invalid mode'
>from lilo. Docs in the kernel source indicate (without stating
outright) that
>the vga16fb device needs parameters passed to it via an append=video=???? 

Make an entry in the /etc/lilo.con 'vga=ask' 
Reboot your machine and press the right key (I do not know 
exactly which, but <SPACE> continues, maybe <ENTER> is the 
right) for viewing the modes...

Have Fun

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