[Techtalk] Error installing the driver of my 10/100MB Ethernet card

Magni Onsoien magnio+lc-techtalk at pvv.ntnu.no
Sat Nov 9 22:48:33 EST 2002

On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 12:33:52PM -0800, Samer Yhya said:
> I’m not sure where you found the fealnx-driver on your
> Linux. I used the "windows like" network configuration
> tool of RedHat8:
> start-here > system-settings > network
> which allows you to install network cards from a big
> list of cards. However none of the three you suggested
> was there. So I’m wondering what other ways are there
> to install drivers that I can try.

I simply used the command "locate" to see whether there was a driver.
Type "locate fealnx" on a commandline and see if it finds something.

At my computer that gives

[magnio at nemi magnio]$ locate fealnx

and then you can try "modprobe fealnx"

If that succeeds, I THINK you should be able to configure the card
through the usual programmes, but you may have to add a line like
"alias eth0 fealnx" to /etc/modules.conf and then restart network
(service network restart).

> Kudzu is the program “detecting new hardware” every
> time I start Linux. For some reason it ignored the
> card completely (even when I ran it inside Linux). So
> that won’t help.

Did it find the card at all or just didn't it want to configure it? Did
you, at some point, select "ignore" or something like that, when kudzu
said it had found a new peice of hardware?

kudzu writes to /etc/syconfig/hwconf, have a look at that file and see
if there is any signs of the card there?

Magni :)
sash is very good for you.

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