[Techtalk] keyboard shortcut for "paste" in X-Windows

hobbit at aloss.ukuu.org.uk hobbit at aloss.ukuu.org.uk
Wed May 1 22:28:32 EST 2002

On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 03:57:00PM -0500 or thereabouts, Glenda R. Snodgrass wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is/what is the keyboard shortcut for "paste" in
> X-Windows?  I often use my middle button to copy text from one window to
> another and I'd like to be able to use a keyboard shortcut to paste it
> into a terminal window when I'm typing, but I haven't a clue where to find
> such a thing.  I use WindowMaker, and I've gone through all my keyboard
> setup and preference options but didn't find it anywhere, so I'm thinking
> if it exists, then it's a general X-windows thing.  Anyone know? or point
> me to where I can find out?

You're right. There is a general X-wide (or XFree86-wide; dunno about
others) way to do mouse stuff with the keyboard. It's in "Xkb", 
apparently. This is so opaque to me that I have always gone with the 
README from -- of all things -- the same Window Maker program you're 
using :) It's about the only window manager I've found whose docs 
describe this stuff.

On RH, it lives in /usr/share/doc/WindowMaker-(versionnumber)/README


  Keyboard Mouse Control

  Many people ask about adding keyboard control of mouse, like in fvwm,
  but Window Maker will not have such feature. The XKB extension supports
  mouse simulation from the keyboard, in a much more powerfull fashion than
  any simulation done by a window manager. 

  To enable it, hit the Control+Shift+NumLock or Shift+NumLock key combination. 
  You should hear the speaker beeping. To disable it, do the same thing.

  To control the mouse the numeric keypad is used as follows:
  - 4 (left arrow), 7 (Home), 8 (up arrow), 9 (PgUp), 6 (right arrow), 
  3 (PgDn), 2 (down arrow) and 1 (End) move the mouse to the corresponding
  - holding one of the above keys and then holding the 5 key will move the
  pointer faster;
  - / will select the first mouse button (left button);
  - * will select the second mouse button (middle button);
  - - will select the third mouse button (right button);
  - 5 will do a click with the currently selected mouse button;
  - + will do a double-click with the currently selected button;
  - 0 (Ins) will click and hold the currently selected button;
  - . (Del) will release the currently selected button that was previously
  clicked with the 0 (Ins) key.

  The above key values work in a XFree86 3.2 (X11R6.1) X server but your
  milleage may vary.

It works for me on XFree86 4.1 too. I don't always get the beep when
I enable it. 

And it has saved my bacon when I have drowned the mouse with coffee
and have needed to close applications before quitting to rescue


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