[Techtalk] Recompiling Modified kernel

Gehring, Bernard BGehring at ciena.com
Mon Mar 18 17:21:37 EST 2002

Hi all,
	I have added a new system call to linux and am having problems refrencing it. The system call simply says hi for now, but when I access it from a user program I get the compile error unknown refrence to myservice. The system call is called myservice. I have added a line to the interrupt table as well as adding a line to unitd.h (I may have that name wrong). This was all done on a copy of my original kernel. After compiling the new kernel and moving the image to the /boot directory I added a few lines to lilo.conf. I was able to successfully boot my new kernel, I think, But my refrence to myservice was still unknown. I have included the #include <unitd.h> line. I think that I made my mistake modifying the make file to compile my new service. I simply opened the make file and added myservice.o to the list of .o's already there. Any ideas.

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