[Techtalk] rsync with ssh using cron

Mary linuxchix at puzzling.org
Wed Jun 19 14:36:22 EST 2002

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 12:20:29AM -0400, Michelle Murrain wrote:
> looks good, but doesn't work. (Basically, this method is to create a
> new key, and place it in a file in the ~/.ssh directory of both
> machines, to get a ssh without password prompt.) Didn't work.I'm not
> clear why it didn't work - but I still got a password prompt.

I assume that the key you created was called either ~/.ssh/identity or
~/.ssh/id_dsa on the local machine, and you copied either
~/.ssh/identity.pub or ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub FROM the local machine TO the
file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine?

If not, could you tell us the file names you used, both locally and

Could you tell us the local and remote ssh versions? Some versions of
ssh require a certain type of key. Can you tell us the command you used
to generate the key?

And can you give us the transcript of a "ssh -v" session from the local
machine to the remote machine? -v is for "verbose" output, and might
tell you and us which files are being read locally and remotely.


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