Truly discouraged Re: [Techtalk] Lost my place in kernel space,

Malcolm Tredinnick malcolm at
Wed Jul 31 14:06:48 EST 2002

On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 11:49:28PM -0400, Andrew wrote:
> 	I can compile, make ,  _install, make mrproper, till the cows 
> come home. At this point I have thrice lost my way. It could be 
> naming the file in "/usr/src/linux-2.4.18ajs" has me off course. I 
> looked in compressed/boot//tools/ and i386 and find no file called 
> anything "image" ...
> 	What is "mrproper" I have not found it in any books or how 
> to's except in Chix-land.

The 'mrproper' target reduces your source tree to pristine condition. I
believe the history is that MrProper was a brand of cleaner, popular in
Finland in the early days of Linux. It's something you run first in the
build process, not last (it removes your .config file, for a start, so
any configuration you have done to that point will be lost). It's
purpose is described in the README file at the top of the kernel source

It's unclear to me from the rest of this thread what exact commands you
have typed; I think I have missed some mails in it or you have short
circuited some of the explanation. The normal process is

	make menuconfig (or make config or make xconfig)
	make depend
	make bzImage
	make modules
	make modules_install

At that point, the modules are installed and the kernel image is 
arch/i386/boot/bzImage as somebody else mentioned.

If you are not doing this sequence, what sequence are you following?
Note that replacing the 'make bzImage' with just 'make' is not really a
good idea, since the default target changes from time to time (on the
version of the kernel source I just looked in, it will build a binary
called vmlinux -- which is not what you want).

> 	I can see "lilo.conf" in MComander but don't know what to 
> change it to. It, the problem, has got to be one of those very simple 
> things that isolation from experience users exacerbates.

Have you looked at 'man lilo.conf'? Generally, you will want to copy
your brand-new bzImage to somewhere like '/boot/vmlinuz-ajs' and then
add some lines to lilo.conf like

		label = ajs

Maybe you will need a 'root=...' line, depending on how the file is set
up (look at the earlier 'image=...' entries and basically copy them,
replaceing the label entry with a unique label).


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