[Techtalk] installing Perl modules?

Raven Alder raven at oneeyedcrow.net
Mon Jul 29 23:06:49 EST 2002

Heya --

Quoth Linda (Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 10:00:20PM -0400):
> I have RH7.0 installed. I'd like to install two Perl modules DBI and 
> DBD::mysql   which are not installed.
> I know that these modules are on CPAN but that's all I know.
> How do I go about installing these modules?  Oh, this laptop with 
> RH7.0 does not have internet access in case that makes a 
> difference.

	Yep, it does.  If you don't have Internet access from the
laptop, you'll have to download the modules from CPAN, get them onto the
laptop somehow, and then install them manually.  There's a handy Perl
module called CPAN.pm that you may want to look into for your systems
that are online.  It automates the process of downloading and installing
Perl modules from a mirror close to you.  I'm fond of it.  

	Instructions for downloading and installing Perl modules
manually can be found on the CPAN website at:


	Since you can't download directly from the Internet, you'll have
to download the modules you want, and then put them on a CD or floppy
(or push 'em across the network if you have a local LAN but no Internet
access) to install on your laptop.  

	Once you have the files on the local machine, put them in the
directory that you want to unpack them in, un-tar and un-zip them (they
usually come in .tar.gz form, so "tar -xvzf NameOfModule.tar.gz" will do
the unpacking for you), and then type the following commands:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Depending on the permissions on your system, you may have to be root to
do that last bit.

	Hope that helps!

"Dream on, my dear/ And renounce temporal obligation.
 Dream on, my dear/ It's a sleep from which you may not awaken."
  -- Dead Can Dance, "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove"

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