[Techtalk] Hiding/redirecting console messages

Nicole Zimmerman colby at wsu.edu
Sun Jul 21 18:40:04 EST 2002

> What you're looking for is klogd.  The man page will tell most of what
> you need to know ("man klogd" for our listeners) but to prevent -all-
> kernel messages from going to the console, you would edit (or create)
> /etc/conf/syslog and add a line like so:
> KLOGD_OPTIONS="-2 -c 0"

Actually, in debian, this is done in the init script directly.

Edit /etc/init.d/klogd

Change the line:


to contain your options. I had to make the same change for a released
piece of harware. I didn't want the customer to freak out when it said
"setting promiscuous mode". ;o)


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