[Techtalk] Automatic loading of network card module after kernel upgrade

Nicole Zimmerman colby at wsu.edu
Sun Jul 21 18:36:12 EST 2002

Hi Theresa,

For debian, you can automatically boot your old kernel as long as it is
pointed to from /vmlinuz.old. That's the default config of lilo. One is
called linux, the other linux-old. Pretty failsafe.

As far as your network card goes, check the file /etc/modules. You can put
the module name in there and it will be automatically loaded at boot time.
If you want to do it by hand, you can do `modprobe <name of module>` then
do an `ifup <ethernet interface, probably eth0>`.

You are pretty much set to go otherwise. Because you used a kernel package
to do the install, a lot of stuff is handled for you. If you want to use
your old kernel, just double check the /vmlinuz.old link to make sure it's
there. If you change anything, run `liloconfig` as root to make sure it
takes effect.


At 15:15 on Jul 21, Therese Gustafsson combined all the right letters to say:

> I didn't find any. Does anyone know where I can put 
> the new module name so I can get my network card 
> automatically loaded when I start the computer? And 
> is there some way I can keep the old name also, so I 
> can boot the old kernel? 
> Actually I have no idea if there are other things I 
> should change now that I've upgraded my kernel. Are 
> there? I feel that I have no idea what I've done...=)
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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