[Techtalk] How do I get pcmcia wireless card to work

Tania Morell tmorell at myquadrant.net
Sat Jul 6 15:23:37 EST 2002

I bought a new laptop this week (myfirst) and installed mandrake 8.2 on
it.  My netgear 401 wireless card is hot swappable so when I unplug/plug
it in, I get a couple messages from cardmgr on console listing the
manufacturer and model of the card..  but when I cat
/var/lib/pcmcia/stab. It says both pcmcia slots are 'empty'.    Man page
states that a low pitch sound means cardmgr failed to load the driver,
so I'm assuming the low pitch sound means it has failed?   Can anyone
give me a couple quick tips for getting networking running on this
thing?  Or point me in the right direction to some online info?  I've
been searching for a couple hours with no luck.  =)
Thanks guys,
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