[Techtalk] compiling Ghostscript

Rebecca J. Walter rjp at mail.tele.dk
Fri Jan 4 00:13:08 EST 2002

Thanks everyone who tried to help.  The problems were:
The Ghostscript 7.03 we were trying to compile had a problem in
contrib.mak so the driver we need couldn't compile.
The directions on the hpijs project site applied to an older version of
Ghostscript, not the one we were compiling.

My husband finally found another web site of someone who had
successfully compiled it and had the fixed contrib.mak.  So that is now
working. YAY!  and I am rather proud because I figured out the problem
was contrib.mak, just hadn't figured out how to fix it.

Personally I am still at war with gphoto2 cvs. I hate compiling.

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