[Techtalk] SQL learning pointers

Vera Childs vera at dc-vc.net
Tue Dec 3 07:55:04 EST 2002

On Monday 02 December 2002 08:51 am, Megan Golding wrote:
> I've already followed the tutorial at
> http://www.mysql.com/documentation/mysql/bychapter/manual_Tutorial.html
> (darnit -- Yahoo! is gonna wrap that link and there's nothing I can
> do about it, sorry).

Actually, it didn't wrap this time, but if you want to pass around long 
links that you know will wrap, try http://makeashorterlink.com. You just 
paste the long link into there, and tell it to make a shorter link. Then 
you can pass around the short url. There may also be other sites that do 
this for you. This is just the one I've seen used and have started using 

I can't help you with the SQL questions, but I've enjoyed reading and 
learning from the answers. I've done a little bit with MySQL and PHP, but 
it's been a while (years), and I also have an upcoming web database 
project. So I need to get learning again. :)


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