[techtalk] why do I read this stuff

Scott scott at talon.net
Tue Jun 12 17:22:22 EST 2001

 >At 04:58 PM 6/12/2001 -0400, Michael Carson wrote:
 >I was thinking the same thing, at first, but then I realized the 
usefullness of this article - now we know Mr. Coursey's prejudices, 
and >can esteem his pronouncements accordingly, with reference to our own.

The idea was not to spread MS FUD to this list or cry that the world is 
falling down,
it was more to read his article and consider his technical or lack of 
technical arguments
against Linux.  Perhaps a few people will email him and correct him on a 
few points,
maybe his readership is down and he needs attention, who knows?  But 
reading stuff
like this only help's confirm to me anyway that people who write these 
articles really
should not be in that line of work.  Consider the site it is housed on--ZD, 
the very
same site that a few weeks ago had an article on how PHP was not ready for the
enterprise.  Guess the author never took the time to look at the page his 
was displayed on, the extension was .php.

I will stop sending those articles here, but do think it deserve's a good 
look if
you have the time.


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