[techtalk] Re: Opinion needed on Mail Clients

Bek Oberin gossamer at tertius.net.au
Fri Jun 8 10:15:51 EST 2001

Claudine Chionh wrote:
> One of the problems changing from pine to mutt was that the keybindings 
> are quite different, especially the keys used to select/tag and apply 
> commands to tagged messages.  It didn't take me long to get used to 
> mutt's keybindings, so when I'm stuck somewhere else with pine it drives 
> me crazy!  (Mutt keybindings are similar to elm's.)

I haven't tried it so somebody tell me if I'm wrong, but in 
/usr/doc/mutt/examples I have Pine.rc which is supposed to fiddle
the Mutt keybindings to be just like Pine's, and other stuff to
make  Mutt look as much like Pine as possible.

NFI how well it works or anything.  There also seems to be one
for Tin.


: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: gossamer at tertius.net.au   http://www.tertius.net.au/~gossamer/
: The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at
: a time.  -- Abraham Lincoln

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