[techtalk] Linux IDE/editor with FTP support?

Andrew Wendt awendt at putergeek.com
Sat Jul 28 16:46:01 EST 2001

On July 28, 2001 15:26, markthegeek at canada.com wrote:
> On Sat, 28 July 2001, markthegeek at canada.com wrote:
> > Hmm.. I am using KDE and have tried Kwrite, but didn't any notice Kwrite.
> I ment, "didn't notice any FTP features". Hehe.. its been a long day.

What version?

I'm running 2.2beta1, but I think they can all do it.

You just choose Open from the File menu, and then from the file selector you 
can type a URL like ftp://ftp.kernel.org in either the directory field or the 
file field...

If you need non-anonymous FTP, you'd use something like: 

And it should prompt you for the password.

Or if bob's password was "mypass", you could use a URL like:

KDE programs generally use the KDE libs instead of the regular libc file 
read/write calls, so a lot of them support this kind of thing for "free".


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