[techtalk] partitioning question

coldfire rolick571 at duq.edu
Wed Jul 25 03:29:04 EST 2001

i'm not a partition guru .. but on an extended partition, from what i
understand, the extended partitions must be continuous.  are the physical
boundaries of these extended partitions stored in a linked list?  only
four primary partitions can exist so i'm guessing only so much room in the
partition table is allocated to store where the physical boundaries exists
for each partition.

so assuming that the extended partitions are in fact one big linked
list .. must that linked list be traversed from the very beginning to find
a specific partition down the line?  if so, that would be terrible for
performance .. needing to access hda342 but having to start on hda4 (yeah,
i exagerated a bit :).

(in resposne to the other thread about partitioning that's going on ...)


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