[techtalk] Security mailing lists

Malcolm Tredinnick malcolm at commsecure.com.au
Sun Jul 8 13:03:02 EST 2001

On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 11:19:55AM -0400, Michelle Murrain wrote:
> The mention of SELinux reminded me - anyone have recommendations for 
> a good, low-medium traffic  e-mail list that focuses on security 
> issues? *NIX focused, or general is fine.

Go to http://www.securityfocus.org and have a look at their mailing
lists (in the panel on the lefthand side of the screen -- this is not a
Lynx friendly site, from memory).

They have a wide selection and you can probably find something that
matches your topic interests and volume requirements. The only problems
with security issues is that requirements like "good" and "not high
volume" are conflicting if you are also after "comprehensive".  :-)


Quantum mechanics: the dreams stuff is made of.

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