[techtalk] stuck with TCP/IP, win98 and linux

srl slandrum at cs.smith.edu
Sun May 14 16:14:40 EST 2000

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Emily the visible wrote:

> Finally, after months of effort (ok, so I was working and battling my
> budget and occasionally sick... oh yeah, and dad upgraded and had to
> send the new machine back at least once), I've got my network card
> working correctly, Dad's network card theoretically working, and the hub
> turned on plugged in and hooked to the cards.
> My box can ping itself. It tries to send out pings and makes its light
> on the hub blink. I dunno if windows boxen can ping themselves, and when
> it tries to send out a ping it doesn't make its light on the hub blink.

windows boxen can ping themselves. do you have the machines running
on a 192.168.0.* network, or what? basically, you should be able to
set up your dad's machine the same way you did yours; make sure all
the network card drivers are installed and working properly, and
that you have TCP/IP for the network card installed.

As for pings: Pinging on the windows box will tell you
whether tcp/ip is working on it. If it isn't, check the drivers and
the tcp/ip setup.  pinging your machine from the windows box will
tell you whether the physical transport layer (card, hub, cable) is
working properly.

Shane Renee Landrum 

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