[techtalk] DHCP, cable modem, and boxen

Snarfblat coderman at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 6 16:37:01 EST 2000

Thanks to all who replied...

This was actually for a friend of mine, as I am still on 56k (they must
enjoy tormenting me with delayed ADSL deployment dates..)  

It appears that the disconnect and reconnect works for two machines.. 
although he might try using IP masq since getting multiple IP's via DHCP
from the cable modem ISP is a pain..  I believe he is using

Thanks again!

(pinkie and th brain rock, but alas this nick is from the little
marmaid..  i am a fork... or a pipe..  i forget..)

    coderman at mindspring.com | http://cubicmetercrystal.com/
         "You are the product of a mutational union 
           of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."

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