[techtalk] web+ (free version)

aprilk aprilk at linuxstart.com
Sun Jan 30 16:07:26 EST 2000

Nils Philippsen <nils at wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de> wrote:
>On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, aprilk wrote:
>> Mom has PHP on her computer, is not a programmer and doesn't even
>> pretend to try(unless html, that is). I haven't even learned it yet.
>It's simple. It looks like a mixture of C and perl with OO-mechanisms (if
>you wish, you can ignore it and go the procedural way). There are a lot of
>"already made" stuff (call it "libraries") that can take a great part of
>programming from your shoulders.
to someone who has only done a tiny bit of html and tries at perl and python, I have no clue what they are.

>> I'm trying to help her get this program she wants, running properly.
>I'm interested in how this web+ thing should do e-commerce "out of the
>box" -- I had the impression that you had to do some database stuff to get
>e-commerce stuff going (and that to get this correct was the hard part
>rather than coding it in C/perl/PHP/whatever). Could you give details (to
>web+) and what makes it so easy?
quite actually I had to go look at the website to remember what it does.
Yes there has to be a database backend too. She isn't a coder and I don't have time currently to figure that out.

>> At some time future I will try to learn those fun languages but right
>> now to many things are going for me to start.
>I've been experimenting with PHP for just a week now. I've done db access
>in C and perl before (and much of it) and this is as easy (perl) or much
>easier (C) than those. You need to grok SQL, admitted.
I can understand simple SQL, granted I learned it in a SQLserver class (yes MS) so that is as far as that goes.
> Nils Philippsen / Berliner Straße 39 / D-71229 Leonberg // +49.7152.209647
>nils at wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de / nils at fht-esslingen.de / nils at redhat.de
>   The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
>   regarded as a criminal offence.                  -- Edsger W. Dijkstra


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