[techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] CD-R Problems

Jamie Walker jj.walker at auckland.ac.nz
Sun Jan 23 00:22:42 EST 2000

"Jenn V." wrote:

> 2. I don't understand this. You say it's an IDE drive, so you DISABLED the
> IDE? Um. Why? Wouldn't this be the most logical place for your problem to
> be?

Most Linux based CD-R(W) software can only talk to SCSI devices. To get
them working under Linux, you use SCSI emulation whereby the kernel
"converts" an IDE device on the bus into a SCSI device that the
applications talk to. You don't need an IDE driver in this situation.

Work: jj.walker at auckland.ac.nz	Home: jamiew at clear.net.nz
 ICQ: 5632563			or shout loudly

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