[techtalk] .rar

Kir Kolyshkin kir at sgp.sever.ru
Tue Jan 11 18:12:40 EST 2000

Sunnanvind wrote:

> Hello, dears; how can I unrar a file? Got it from an Amiga user; but I know
> that it's possible in windows or dos. Would rather do it in linux natively,
> though..

there is a rar for linux available around...dunno the url, sorry. If you won't
be able to find it, contact me, and I'll try to search my archives for it.

|< ()  http://kir.sever.net kir at sgp.sever.ru kir at sever.net ICQ 7551596
() |_   Microsoft SELLS you Windows, Linux GIVES you the whole house!

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