[techtalk] Other OSes on a Linux box

Caitlyn Martin caitlyn at netferrets.net
Wed Jan 5 10:30:46 EST 2000

Hi, Kelly,
> The problem is getting the right drivers up front.  Windows will, in
> my experience, blithely install the wrong driver, making your system
> about as stable as a two-legged coffee table.
> The simple fact is that Windows is not intended to be installed by
> non-experts.

Which operating system is?  I mean, Linux is a wonderful example.  Caldera
is easy if it detects all your hardware and gets everything right.  How
often does that *not* happen?  In this area Microsoft is about the same as
everyone else.

Of course, the end result once everything is right in Windows is still less
desirable than Linux by a lot, IMHO.

Take care,

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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