[techtalk] LaTeX

Shivawn janedoe at somerandomdomain.com
Wed Feb 9 20:22:09 EST 2000

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 02:20:04PM -0500, Robert Kiesling wrote:
<snip for brevity>

> try http://www.mainmatter.com/index.html... otherwise, I don't
> know... the pages are mostly hand coded, with some HTML tags from 
> Netscape composer.  Please let me know if that's what it is.  

I see a few things in the file that could be causing problems.
There are incorrectly nested tags in the beginning part of the file
as pasted below:

<iframe name="Header" height=125 >
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EF" vlink="#55188A" alink="#FF0000">
<img SRC="faq-page-title-2.jpg" height=150 width=512></iframe>

The iframe tag is started inside <head> and not closed before </head>
Since you are likely wanting it to affect the body of the page it
should be started after the <body> tag.
As well, it is closed inside the open and close center tags when the
center tag should be closed before the iframe tag is closed.

Hope that helps,


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