[techtalk] re: Apache and PHP on Debian

Laurel Fan lf25+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Aug 28 23:11:01 EST 2000

Excerpts from linuxchix: 28-Aug-100 [techtalk] re: Apache and P.. by
Allen Heinecke at cx449026- 
> All of the binaries appear to run correctly, however there is an 
> "invisible" process running a webserver on my box. As in when
> I do a 'ps aux|grep httpd' or a 'ps aux|grep apache' I don't get
> anything... the only hint I have as to what else may be doing this
> is something called roxen that appears to interface with pike...

Your instincts are correct.  roxen is a web server.  If you don't
want it (and if you just want to run apache, you probably don't),
it's probably best to uninstall it.  Otherwise, you can find the
config interface (roxen opens a port to use as a web configuration
interface) and change its port to something apache doesn't use.

(btw, this probably isn't it, but when I'm trying to grep stuff
from ps, I usually use the 'w' option (for example, "ps uaxw").
w is for wide, meaning it won't cut stuff off if it doesn't fit
on the screen.  if you've got really extravagant command lines,
you might even want to use more than one w... each additional
one adds some amount of space it can use (one line per w, I

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