[techtalk] re: cable modem issues

Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun ccovingt at one-eyed-alien.net
Thu Sep 30 12:52:52 EST 1999

On Sep 30, Beverly Guillermo conjectured:

> I wonder how they do the checking..?  If you're running Ip-Masquerading
> properly, it should only show that you have one computer hooked up to
> the network.

I haven't the first idea hw they do it.  It's possible that it's just
scare tactics.  Ever fingered @rr.com?  My, my.  It's hard to tell if they
are serious.  (Try fingering @nycap.rr.com )
Another possibility of RR supporting only 3 computers/modem is badnwidth.
It's 10baseT, and I don't know how much it can handle.
Actually, on second thought, my friend ran a server in San Diego using
RoadRunner, and it wasn't too bad.  Hmm.
(Yes, I talked to far too many tech support folk whom I knew more about
the problem than.  Of course, nothing beat the tech support person who
didn't know what ip reversing was.  <Even if that's not the technical term
for the nslookup stuff...>  I couldn't log into my account on my friend's
computer because my IP address wouldn't reverse, and he has his system set
up somehow not to let 'anonymous' ip's log in, or something.  Man, that
was annoying.)

rambling a lot, probably.

Time does not betray a dream as long as the dream does not betray time.
			-Leiji Matsumoto, _Eternal_



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