[techtalk] Multiple Names -> 1 Interface

Samantha Jo Moore sjmoore at TheTahoeGroup.com
Thu Sep 30 10:42:33 EST 1999

> Is it possible to set two domain names(two IPs) to one ethernet card?
> For example, mail.domain.org and ns.domain.org are two seperate domain
> names, two seperate IPs that point to one ethernet card?

It is possible to set to domain names to the same IP address and assign this
one to your card.  If you want to have two IP addresses then you need two
network cards.

To set the two domain names to point to the same IP address you need to modify
your DNS files.  Assuming that you have static routes... and that you have
an SOA line in your /var/named/domain.org file...

@	IN	SOA	domain.org.	root.domain.org (

You can do this with CNAMES (which are something like aliases) :

	mail	A
	ns	CNAME		mail

Or you can simply assign the same IP address to the two names:

	mail	A
	ns	A

There are a lot of other intricacies involved here.  Let me know if you need more

Samantha Jo Moore
CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc.
sjmoore at thetahoegroup.com

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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