[techtalk] Older versions of distros

Ericka Crouse metagnat at watson.org
Wed Oct 20 09:38:54 EST 1999

I finally got around, last night, to cleaning off my second hard drive in
preparation of installing linux & I have a few questions before I start.
One is:  Is there any overwhelming reason that I should get the very
latest version of linux, or would installing an older one be ok?  I
already have a copy of Redhat 5.0 and I was just going to go ahead and
install that.

I was also wondering some things about LILO (pardon my extreme
newbieness).  Will it work properly if installed on a secondary drive
instead of my C drive?  If the secondary hard drive is slaved to the C?
Or does this have no bearing whatsoever?

Thanks and Sorry,

-------------Ericka-metagnat at fledge.watson.org-----------------
"There are three degrees of being weird. They are:
(1) Salvageably weird. (2) Weird. (3) Irrevocably weird."
		-Carrie Fisher

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