[techtalk] re: Modem Help

Samantha Jo Moore sjmoore at TheTahoeGroup.com
Mon Oct 18 14:39:28 EST 1999


> But not of course I have another problem.  I can finally connect to my ISP
> but I cannot seem to do anything.  When I try to use Netscape I get an error
> that says Nescape is unable to locate the server home.netscape.com - check
> server name & try again.

This sounds like a routing/name server issue.  Try several things.  See if you
can reach sites by IP address.  Try:


If you get a reply that means that your routes are OK.  Next, ping the same
site by nanme:

    ping berkeey.edu

If you can do this, then your name server is working OK, and you should be
able to reach netscape too.  Also, Let's see what your routes are.
Please post them to the forum.  You can see your routes this with the command:

    route -n

Additionally, let's see what your DNS configuration is.  Please post the 
contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Samantha Jo Moore
CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc.
sjmoore at thetahoegroup.com

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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