[techtalk] pine four.twenty

Nicole colby at wsu.edu
Thu Oct 14 23:40:56 EST 1999

is pretty groovy!
(now that I finally got the sucker built)

the new stuff is listed at 

Kolor support --> you can make different parts of message headers
different colours... like the "From" can be red while the "To" would be
blue... :o)

special colours for flags (such as directly to me, recent, asnwered, etc)

you can specify the title colour, the selectable-item colour, the reverse
colour, the prompt colour... apparently (i haen't played with this too
much) you can even change the colour of your quoted text (the way it is
displayed, that is)

oh so many options :o)

new stuff with roles... i don't use roles on my home computer (not my
primary mailing account) though if i choose to have mail forwarded from
this (my school) account to that (my home) account roles would be QUITE
useful... it's a nice thing to have around

have fixed problems with unix-style mailboxes 

their URL recognition has improved... i know i had had problems with this
before (either it recognising not enough or too much)

a new version of pico (3.6 no 0, why does pico have a different naming
convention than pine...)

well that's my report on pine four.twenty... :o)

it is a ~2 meg download in gziped/tarred form
(ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine, anonymous login)


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