[techtalk] KDE vs Gnome

Gail Allinson gailla at jps.net
Tue Oct 12 09:36:24 EST 1999

Beverly Guillermo wrote:
> You have it your setup to enter X automatically, so you're running
> at runlevel 5, rather then runlevel 3.

In the distro I'm using runlevel 3 is the one you enter X automatically
from.  The best advice I can give is to look at /etc/inittab -- there
should be a list of the runlevels that looks something like this:

	# runlevel 0 is halt
	# runlevel S is single-user
	# runlevel 1 is multi-user without network
	# runlevel 2 is multi-user with network
	# runlevel 3 is multi-user with network and xdm
	# runlevel 6 is reboot

Your runlevels will be different unless you use the same distro I use. 
I hope that helps.  In my case, if I "telinit 2", X is gone.

In expanding on this, I mean only to add to what Beverly said -- not to
contradict her.  AFAIK it is runlevel 5 for X and 3 for no X in the
majority of distros.


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