[techtalk] request for ideas

Beverly Guillermo bguill at home.com
Tue Oct 12 12:45:28 EST 1999

> Sorry, but I disagree. Having played with DOS, Win 3.1, Win 3.11, Win95,
> Win98, C, C++, Visual C++ and Visual Basic, rebuilt several computers from
> the motherboard up, and installed more drivers and configured more dip
> switches (remember them?) than I care to count, the idea that an operating
> system has to be told that a disk has been inserted into a drive
> is strange,
> at the least. I'm planning on looking at (installing, etc.)
> Linux. It would
> appear Linux has quirks that would not be apparent to those coming at it
> from a personal computer angle (as contrasted with the Unix angle).

>From what I remember about Operating Systems, in the case
of removable media, there is some overhead in terms of
checking that there is a disk or cdrom in the drive every
so minutes.  Windows supposedly does that as one of its
background processes.

Mounting a floppy or a cdrom doesn't bother me as much
as figuring out what type of file system I have on the
disk. =)  Heh.

Beverly Guillermo					    		     [[mezanin]]
bguill at home.com                         http://members.home.com/bguill
bguill1 at umbc.edu                                         ICQ: 18004037

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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