[techtalk] parallel zip drive

Caitlyn Martin caitlyn at netferrets.net
Wed Oct 6 10:16:26 EST 1999

Hi, Yukiko,
> I use a parallel zip drive, and I have no trouble about it.
> I think you could config, but,
> Do you use a parallel printer or some other paralleled hard devices?
> if so, you have to do:
> # rmmod lp
> # insmod ppa
> # mount -t vfat /dev/sda4/zip  (or, your setting

Actually, this isn't necessary in Red Hat 6.x, which support parallel port
sharing.  The only things you need to do to get a parallel port zip to work
in Red Hat are:

1) Add this line to your /etc/conf.modules file:

alias block-major-8 ppa

2) Create a mount point for your zip drive.  (I use /mnt/zip)

3) Add it to your /etc/fstab file with the correct file format

4) Reboot

5) Mount the drive as above.  (You can also create a mount/unmount icon in
KDE if you like.)

Also, I notice that you use the -t vfat switch to get DOS formatted zips.
Some of us prefer to format our zip disks as ext2 (Linux native) using
mke2fs.  It depends how you are going to be sharing your data.  Also, if you
specify vfat in the fstab file, that would become the default, so the -t
switch wouldn't be needed.


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