[prog] Project announcement (if that's on-topic for this list)

John.Sturdy john.sturdy at ul.ie
Wed Mar 10 14:38:46 UTC 2010


I can't see anything in the mailing list notes to say whether or not this on topic -- let me know if it isn't!

As a spinoff from my paid work project, I've written a library that provides a common API to multiple scripting languages.  I've made it into a separate project, as I thought it could be useful for projects other than my own -- if used in place of interfacing an application directly to a scripting language, it lets the user make the choice of what language to script the application in, at run time.  I'm just starting to publicize it, and felt more comfortable about announcing it on a list with a "be nice" ethos first, before I submit it to freshmeat a bit later.

If anyone's interested, it's at http://www.nongnu.org/muesli/

My apologies if that's off-topic for this list,


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